Dear RMS Community, Please read the following information to stay connected: We hope you have enjoyed the weekend with your family! This week is the start of the NWEA Maps Growth Test. The test gives us information on where students are in regards to Reading and Math Skills. Students should give their best effort as the data guides our instruction and also helps build stamina for the Spring ACT Aspire Test. Virtual Parent Teacher Conference Sign Up Links will come by September 22, 2020. Please take a moment to sign up and meet virtually with teachers you need to chat with in regards to your child’s progress in class. End of The Day Advisory- Parents please inform your child that the end of the day is 4:05 for all students. Virtual students should not log off after 7th period classes and think that the day is over. If a student does not attend virtually for Advisory, they will be counted absent. We use Advisory to support intervention/ enrichment classes. Lastly, the RMS Volleyball Game will be at Jacksonville Middle School. We wish the girls the best! Have a great Sunday! RMS Team
over 4 years ago, Yaa Appiah-McNulty
The first NWEA MAP growth assessment begins this week. These evaluations guide teachers on how to help students continue to learn. We've added a section on our website with tips for traditional and virtual students: #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence
over 4 years ago, PCSSD
PTO is excited about our fall fundraiser! Please check our Facebook and Instagram pages and also our RMS PTO Store for the fundraiser link and to find out more about what PTO does. Thanks in advance for your support! Link: Have a great Saturday!!!
over 4 years ago, Yaa Appiah-McNulty
Hello 2020 Robinson Band #SenatorSound Families! Please click the link below for band dues, memberships, volunteer opportunities, merchandise, and more! Dues needed as soon as possible. Payment of dues required in order to receive students band shirts. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Yaa Appiah-McNulty
Afternoon Families- Here are a few reminders... 1. Chromebook damages can be expensive, so please consider purchasing insurance to cover any damages that occur throughout the year. The deadline to purchase insurance is September 18, 2020. Please do not send money to school. All payments are made through the company. This link will give you more information: 2. Due to the increase number of students coming to school traditionally and in order to maintain physical distancing, some students will attend class on campus, but may receive instruction from classroom teachers virtually. All traditional students need to have a headphone in case they are listening to teachers virtually. 3. Thank you for your continued support as we work out technology issues. All Schoology passwords for parents should have arrived today. Inform 2nd period teachers if you did not receive your parent access code. Have a great day! Go Senators!!!
over 4 years ago, Yaa Appiah-McNulty
Labor Day constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country. #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence
over 4 years ago, PCSSD
labor day
Evening RMS Parents- In the newsletter link you will find information about RMS News as well as PTO. Enjoy the Labor Day Holiday. News Link:
over 4 years ago, Yaa Appiah-McNulty
RMS Senators- The counseling center is happy to announce that schedules are complete. You are to follow your new schedule starting tomorrow. Your new schedule can be found on your HAC. If you find an error please do not hesitate to contact one of the counselors. Go Senators!
over 4 years ago, Yaa Appiah-McNulty
Great news for our PCSSD families: we are now able to offer FREE meals thanks to a recent USDA waiver. That means our virtual, blended and traditional students can eat breakfast & lunch for free through Dec. 31! #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence
over 4 years ago, PCSSD
breakfast in classroom
Evening Families- Attached below is the link to be used in case students need additional supports for logging into classrooms. Most teachers have already been communicating with students via Schoology. We have added this link to ensure all students understand how to get into classrooms in order to participate in the classroom and instruction being provided. After this week, each teacher will communicate with students through the virtual tools. Can’t wait to see our Senators tomorrow! RMS Team Link:
over 4 years ago, Yaa Appiah-McNulty
Dear RMS Families- Due to increased enrollment & the need to continue practicing physical distance it is necessary that we make adjustments to student’s schedules. This process has begun and the majority of adjustments should be complete by the end of the week (September 4, 2020). Please be patient with us with the understanding that we are doing everything humanly possible to navigate these adjustments as efficiently & effectively as possible. Please note that the counseling department is not making and cannot make any additional schedule changes until this process has been completed. Thank you for entrusting us with your child’s education. We appreciate your valued support during this transition. Sincerely, RMS Team
over 4 years ago, Yaa Appiah-McNulty
PCSSD will be open for regular business hours tomorrow (Friday, Aug. 28). Schools will operate on their normal Friday schedule (which includes blended Group B students). Extended care and athletic activities will resume tomorrow as well. #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence
over 4 years ago, PCSSD
RMS- This form describes the protocol by which we will evaluate beginning band students to determine which instrument they will study. Thank You! Survey Link:
over 4 years ago, Yaa Appiah-McNulty
RMS Families- We have received calls about schedules for today. Students still attend periods 1-4th and we dismiss at 1:00pm. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Yaa Appiah-McNulty
Central Arkansas is expected to feel the impact of Hurricane Laura tomorrow. Based on the most current weather updates, the heaviest impact is expected between 3-4pm. Therefore, PCSSD will dismiss school early on Thursday, August 27. Elementary schools will dismiss at 11:30am and Secondary schools will dismiss at 1:00pm. Dismissal times are for both car and bus riders. District offices will dismiss at 1pm as well. There will be no district athletics events on Thursday, August 27. No decision has been made about school or athletic activities for Friday at this time.
over 4 years ago, PCSSD
hurricane laura
Schoology Update: The parent access feature is not turned on yet for Schoology. We are working to get all teachers and students up to speed before adding the parent access. We'll share more information next week. Thank you for your continued patience.
over 4 years ago, PCSSD
schoology parent view
SCHOOLOGY UPDATE: Rachel Blackwell, Digital Learning Facilitator for PCSSD, offers another walk through of what Schoology looks like for students, starting with the log-in process to the student portal. #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence
over 4 years ago, PCSSD
Student Arrival For RMS Students- Parents students are not to be dropped off prior to 8:15am. It is a safety concern if these procedures are not followed every morning. Thank you for your understanding. Staff will be ready to assist all students at 8:15am. RMS Admin Team
over 4 years ago, Yaa Appiah-McNulty
It may look a little different this year, but we are still sending well wishes and positive vibes for a happy first day of school! #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence
over 4 years ago, PCSSD
first day
Ellie Miller, a parent of 6 children wrote this poem earlier this month for @thrive. Mrs. Miller states in the article that, regardless of options, there isn’t a parent who won’t relate to the words of this poem. #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence
over 4 years ago, PCSSD
twas the night before