Mills University Studies High School is sponsoring its 2nd Annual Ayanna’s Closet which provides free formal wear including prom dresses and tuxedos along with accessories like shoes, purses, and jewelry for students at Mills High School. This event is a memorial honor of Ayanna Echols, a Mills High graduate who provided for and encouraged young ladies to accomplish their goals in life. Ayanna's Closet is set up in the Mills High Auditorium and is available now until May 6, 2021, and throughout the school day before 3 pm. Band Director Daniel Cooper also secured a partnership with Crestwood Cleaners at 2516 Crestwood Rd, North Little Rock, that will provide a discount for dry cleaning any of the items obtained from Ayanna's Closet. The available items were purchased or donated by faculty, family, and community stakeholders. We have also received sponsorship to assist a few young ladies with hair and makeup for prom which is Friday, May 7th, 2021, at the Albert Pike Memorial Temple at 700 Scott Street in Little Rock. Please contact Dr. C. Houston at 501.234.5491 or at chouston@pcssd.og for questions or comments.

Mills High Provides Dresses for Prom
April 23, 2021