LITTLE ROCK – The City of Little Rock’s announced Wednesday, 500 openings for a virtual college fair that brings together 28 historically black colleges and universities from around the country during one event where students can ask questions and gather more information and possibly receive on-the-spot scholarship offers as they prepare to start their higher education journey.
A private donation and $350 from the West Central Community Center’s concessions revenue, will cover the cost of 500 Little Rock students to attend the virtual event. To attend for free, students must sign up with the city. Upon entering basic information for City records, including school name, students will be directed to to share detailed information such as GPA, and phone numbers where college recruiters will be able to reach them.
March of 2019 was the first year, the HBCU Awareness Foundation College Fair was held at Little Rock’s West Central Community Center after being held annually in eastern Arkansas. Last year the HBCU Awareness Foundation College Fair was held virtually due to COVID-19 restrictions. Upon registration, students will receive the log-in information for the Hopin platform which allows students to go into virtual booths, to see live presentations and chat with the recruiters.
Included among the 28 HBCUs are Arkansas institutions: Arkansas Baptist College, Philander Smith College and the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff.
The event will be held Friday, March 12 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Registration will remain open until March 12 at 8 a.m. or the 500 slots are filled, whichever comes first.

Registration for Virtual HBCU Awareness College Fair Now Open; West Central Community Center to Sponsor 500 Little Rock Students
March 8, 2021